Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Well hello for another evening.
Its 41 degrees outside and its 10.44PM
So for a starter that dosent help my mood.

I woke up too the sound of my phone ringing, im always so delusional when that happens. I ussally dont know where my phone is or how to answer. But i got there. It was Simon. I was sposed to be going to the shops today with Ki & him. I was soo exited. He wanted to know what time we were going and stuff, then he hung up too call Ki while i got ready. Then my phone rang again with simon saying Ki got groundded and couldnt come, so we decided not to go just us two, that would be awkward. I was soo dissapointed. It was 50 degrees by that stage so i decided to get out of the house and go too the shops with mum and my sister, we met one of out friends there too. It was much cooler in the shopping center.

Then when i got home i stayed on the computer. all day. I swear there is hardly anything to do on hot days. I cant go outside, walk to the shops, walk Jess (my dog) or go to friends houses. It was annoying, but i thought i felt like playing sims 2 on my computer, so i played for ages. It wasnt really a fun day so my mood was almost at its lowest, i had zero tollerence for everything.

So I went on msn. And i had a sad face in my name, only cuz i was so annoyed about my day. and Nixon was on. So we talked for a while n then he went offline. So i read back over the convo. Wowo i sounded like a bitch. I was answering in one word to everything. He mustof gotten pissed off i wasnt being friendly, not that he was really himself either, then i spotted something elce. in his message under his name, it said ILY MAGGIE (L). I was so shocked. See it could just be he has a friend he loves, in a friendish kindof way. but i rekkon he has a girlfriiend. and thats what brings me too now. right this second. i texted him a minute ago it says

im sorry. i shouldnt ignore you just because im sad. im such a bitch. come back online. please?

but he hasnt texted back, or come online. I dont know what to do. now im scared ive hurt him unintentionally and he wont even text me.

so yes, im waiting eagerly for his name too pop up saying online.

ciao xx


mia said...

sorry your day was so awful.
& about nixon and 'maggie'. :/

i think you should talk to him, explain that you weren't being nice and talkative on msn cause you were in a bad mood, and stuff. ask him if he's dating maggie, cause he said he liked you, didn't he?

and if it turns out he has a girlfriend, at least you still have ki.


Anonymous said...

nixon does NOT like maggie!
they are just friends

i asked him this morning

he likes you dammit :)

Kate B. said...

sorry about your day :(