Thursday, January 29, 2009

I Got Tagged!

Here's the rules of this tag game

1. Choose the 4th folder where you store your pictures on your computer.

2. Select the 4th picture in the folder.

3. Explain the picture.

4. Tag 4 people to do the same. - im not going to tag if you read it and want to do it then go for it :)

lol sorry, i was a poser!
this was me when i was little. hehe

umm yes about the nixon thing.
i was wrong.
the girl was just a friend.
and he does like me.
it all seems so stupid now. how could i think that?
oh well. its all in the past i spose.
so were cool now, were meeting up on sunday also with my sister and her boyfriend.
its funny because me and my sister are best friends and Nixon and Flicks boyfriend, Jake, are best friends aswell.

yeah, its sorta a double date, but not really. :)

thanks for the advice.

ciao xx


Marri said...

awh you were so cute!


Also, its very good about Nixon. Have fun on the not-double-date, haha. ;D


Annoymous said...

what a pretty chic you are.

Christine Woodward said...

aha im gonna do that tagged thing

your hair in that picture is so long and nice *jealous*

good luck with the not really double date


mia said...

aww that's such a cute pic :)

im so glad about nixon! good luck with the double date-y thinggg! :D
