Thursday, January 1, 2009

Its Over & I Couldnt Be Happier

Before i start, i want to thank all of you for your great advice. You defenetly helped me through it. You are all so lovely and i really enjoy your feedback.

So your probably wanting me to stary telling you about the details of the break up?
ok. this only happend 10 mins ago. so this is fresh information here.

I came on msn and ofcourse he was online.

.Jezza. says:

- Kirsty says:

.Jezza. says:

- Kirsty says:
im ok

- Kirsty says:

.Jezza. says:
i feel really sick and i havnt slept in 36 hours but im still happy :D

- Kirsty says:

.Jezza. says:
so what have you been doing this morning

- Kirsty says:
i met my friend in town square

.Jezza. says:
thats good, did you have fun?

- Kirsty says:

- Kirsty says:
you know what?

.Jezza. says:

- Kirsty says:
this will sound weird, but i likeed it better when we were best friends. it was less awkward and i wasnt all nearvous and freaked out by everything

- Kirsty says:
dont ya rekkon?

.Jezza. says:
yes!!! omg i was actually considering telling you that we should only be friends for now coz i've seen you 3 times and wer 25ks apart 90% of the time.... the only reason i didnt say was because zane said he would snap my legs if i hurt you.... lol

so thats what happend. thaats it. done. and i couldnt be happier. he is a great friend, its just so hard to see it when im looking at him through girlfriends eyes. every thing is going smoothly and were having a good conversation. this is probably the easiest break up ive gone through. exept for that one where i was in grade 6 and just put my hand on his shoulder and said, "lets just be friends". and then i walked off. lol. he didnt even catch what i said. then he asked his friend and he said "dude. you just got dropped."

So in other news. Me and sam became friends again. i dont even know what drove her to apologize to me. she just called and said she was sorry. so we started talking and then we ended up going to town square together. it was weird. we had fun, but it was awkward. Shes defenetly not the same, personally i think shes only being my friend becuase her 2 best friends and her boyfriend are all away. Oh well. I will just be her friend but i wont catch up with her that much.

I just got the C.D 'Unessential Listening' By Hamish Blake & Andy Lee. I dont know if you know about them. Theyre aussie and they do a radio show. Theyre just hilairios. I also love Hamish. I have a photo of mine signed by him. I want to meet him. And when i do i probably will pass out.

Thanks again for helping me through all this Jezz stuff.
It means alot to me.

ciao xx


mia said...

I'm glad it went so well!
Lol at the grade 6 break-up :)


Marri said...

LOL at the 6th grade one and Im glad everything went well :)

Levi said...


Sorry I wasn't able to help out with your boyfriend-issue. Y'know, seeing as I never even knew about you until today. I just saw that you were following my blog and decided that while I was on my computer I might as well comment on yours and now I'm just rambling, sorry.

I'm glad everything worked out, though. I hate awkward relationships and I tend to shy away from them. What I hate the most about them is the awkward silences. I absolutely DREAD those. Because then you feel like you should say something, but you can't think of what. Or if you do, then the conversation you tried to make usually drops flat within the first minute and that just makes it more awkward.

Aaaand, I'm rambling again. I think. I dunno. I type too much. Which is weird, cause I'm a really quiet person. Ahh, I better leave, before you think I'm some weirdo. That would not be good.


Kate B. said...

I'm glad everything went ok. Jezz seems like a cool guy. Very energetic haha.

Annoymous said...

Hmm, a rather amicable breakup, yeah, it'll be a better year for u.