Friday, January 16, 2009

Not Really Awake

I am so absolutly sick of my sister.
When we went away we had to sleep in the same bed and it was horible.
She makes weird noises, i sortof remember that from when we were little.
Anyway, im just sick of her, sick of the beach... sick of waiting for exiting things to happen.

Im exited about school now. I get sick of the holidays is big blocks, I rekkon they should give us random like 2 day holidays through out the year and at christmas and new year give us like 3 weeks. It would be nice to have many small holidays.

This will be a short post because well, i have nothing to talk about atm.
Im tierd and i feel like crap. :(
I just want to sleep, let my dreams resolve it all.

Im off,
ciao xx


Marri said...

agh, I'm sorry you feel so bad. I hope you have a good dream to make you feel better.

I agree with you. I get sick of things wicked easy, so lots of small holidays and a few big ones for the big holidays sounds amazing. we should go to the school board with that.


ni said...

Ack, I should have started reading ages ago! I will start now :D

I'm sorry your sister's annoying you with her weird sleeping noises! And I know, there's too much time and then it's confusing when you go back to school!

i think blogger appreciates this is the first time i'm reading and commenting, so they've given me an AWESOME verification -


Kate B. said...

Aw, sucks about your sister. how old is she??

I love school holidays! I love all time off school, so sorry I can't emphasize with that. I can't wait for summer to come.

Hope you feel better.

mia said...

Sucks about your sister.
I know how you feel though.
Sometimes I'm crammed into a small room with like seven of my cousins, :/

Hope you feel better soon! xxx

Anonymous said...


ok this is awkward.

you're sick of me?

thanks, thanks a bunch mady.

i love you too.

Annoymous said...

lucky i have my own room and that was like when i'm 13? Privacy is important when we get older yeah