Sunday, December 14, 2008

To my dearest heart, I spoke to him today...

Hey guys,

everyday i seem to be liking this guy more and more, you probably read about him in cazz's blog some time. His name is Jezza is you dont know already. *sigh* mmhhmm yep my tummy has gone all fluttery. And for those of you who are saying 'but cazz said he liked her!', well that was a long long time ago, and i just have a slither of hope that he might like me back just as much.

Im so tierd right now, its 11.21 PM and im snuggled up in bed on my laptop. I keep making mistakes and having to backspace them and start over. Its quite annoying. Anyway, today i saw twilight with Leigh-Grace, shes my sister. She follows me on blogger. Twilight was great but they cut out so many parts from the book. It all moved too quickly for my liking. But i am in love with Edward just like every other person that walks the earth. I also loved Jasper in the movie he is quite a cutie. i love Alice too she has a great personality.... There i go again rambling on about it. Anyhoo, when we got home we did our makeup all vampireish and stuff. It was all good fun.

Im dead tierd and struggling to keep my eyes open so im going to sleep now. Sorry it was a fairly quikkie post. I will do another soon. I cant wait for christmas either! It will be great.

ciao xx


Annoymous said...

Even if you slp , i think you'll be awake thinking of jezza haha !

Marri said...

I bet Jezza will like you cuz you're awesomeness. :)

and have a good sleep.

And I'm excited about christmas too, somewhat!

Kate B. said...

I totally know what you're talking about with Jezza. Hope things go well.

And wasn't the movie reaaalllly good? Yea, it did move a little fast but it was still really awesome. Jasper was really funny with all his facial expressions! And you made a mistake... everyone on the face of the earth EXCEPT ME loves Edward. Team Jacob!