Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas again

i just thought i would jump on and wish you all a great christmas!
Im exited about tomorow with my family. its always nice too see them because i only get too see most of them twice a year. Once at christmas time and once when we all go to the beach. I just cant wait. Its just a happy time of year.

So tonights christmas eve and my cousins are wrapped up in bed probably not sleeping waiting for santas big arrival. Holly who is three years old has put out the front of her house, a small plastic table with:
Reindeer food (its oats and hundreds and thousands/sprinkels mixed together in a bag wich you are sposed to sprinkle on your lawn)
a big bowl of water
a chocolate for santa wich has liqure in it but she dosent know that.
and a card that we made for him.
she wants a scooter wich she asked for last minute so my auntie and uncle were in a big rush to find one still on the shelves.

yea there isnt much to talk about.
i just counted my money, i have $140.35 lol. plus the money in my bank account wich is $900 exactly. then i have $1040.35.
hehe i only have that 900 in my bank account because it was something to do with my parents splitting up and i was old enough to have some of the money or something like that.

Anyway i'm going to bed now i'm quite tierd and yes its christmas tomorow. Im sure I will be waking up to open my pressies early.

Have a great day tomorow everyone
Im sure we all will.

ciao xx


mia said...

Aha that's cute of Holly to put out that stuff. :)
I hope your Christmas is amazing! :D

Anonymous said...

merry christmas to you

Kate B. said...

Hope you had a great Christmas!
Aww, Holly sounds so cute!