Thursday, February 26, 2009

Waiting... and some awesome news too!

Dont you hate waiting?
Adam has gone to queensland for 9 days
Its 7 days from tomorow though.
I miss him like crazy
Its so depressing
but im okay and i will get over it

Now to some awesome news
Me and my sister Flick are going to make a vlog!
i will post each new video we make onto this blog aswell as some writing about whats been happening in my life.
Im hoping it will put some extra spice into my blog because i havent been on much recently and ive noticed not too many people are reading anymore.
Remeber all comments are welcome!
So we will put the vlog on youtube aaaand a myspace aswell
so yess!

there really isnt anything elce interesting happening at the moment
im so boaring

ciao xx

1 comment:

mia said...

sucks that adam's gone, but try to distract yourself with other things, and have fun, and the week without him should pass by fairly quick.

awesome that you're going to make a vlog!

hey, could i have your myspace maybe? :P
or i could give you mine.
so yeah, you can add meeh if you want.
