Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life is fun, Dreams will Come, Songs will be sung, heyup

Hey. Im in Class with Molly and The Kaskamatron.

lol boaringggggg.

I'm fairly tierd today. You know why Im tierd? Because Im not with Adam, Its always such a drag not being with him. Im not kidding, I think its love. Full blown, hold on to a pole because you will blow away love. I have no idea if im correct, it might possibly be just, you know. Lust. But im not sure. I dont know, but i dont care. I just want to scream to everyone telling them how i feel about him. He is just the sweetest thing.

Nixons been acting weird lately. Flick thinks somones hacked onto his account. I was asking him all theese personal questions that i knew the answer too so maybe i could catch him out. But he kept saying how much he loved me and how i should be going out with him, not Adam. I acctually called him after that, but my number was on private. So i called him and the first thing he said was "who's this?". I just said that its Kirsty, then as i started to speak, he hung up. He hung up on me. The only reason i was calling him was because i wanted to ask him weather it was acctually him on msn. it was very strange.

hmm so yep Life is good. Kinda a blur. Everything goes by so fast now. Its been like a week or something since i last blogged and i didnt even realise. haha. As they say, time flys by when your having fun, ayy? who are they anyway?

Im so sorry i havent been commenting either. You know what? Im going to do a massive comment round right now. I will read everyones blog and commment!!!

Okay im off guys,
talk soon
Oh and by the way,

ciao xx


mia said...

im so glad you're happy with adam :)

i think someone might've hacked onto nixon's account too. because if he was all "i love you" on msn, wouldn't he be really glad that you called him?
if the person i liked randomly called me, i'd freak, and i def wouldn't just hang up.

hahaha, i've always wondered who 'they' are too.

happy 20th post :) xxx

Emerald said...

Sounds to me like nixon has a crush. I wonder who...